Our Products

Tailor-made curation and design 
of each research, with a wide technological and methodological arsenal

We curate the most innovative, without giving up the scientific foundations that guarantee the robustness and reliability of the analyses and results. We combine techniques, when necessary, knowing how and why to do it, and the advantages or limitations that these combinations bring to each project.

Selecting Ideas or Concepts — Insight Express
We prioritize up to 30 ideas with adherence analysis and delivery of winning claims within 9 days

What are the benefits?

  • It allows you to prioritize up to 30 ideas or claims, according to their potential for adherence, of interest generated with your target
  • We will deliver: winning claims and gap analysis of the claims.
  • Results in 9 days

Quantitative Method - Online

Concept Test — Insight Express
We evaluate new concepts to ensure that your ideas resonate with your target audience before entering the market.

What are the benefits?

  • It allows you to test up to 3 concepts or ideas regarding your potential for adherence and interest generated with your target
  • We will deliver: how consumers react to concepts, main messages understood and reactions: relevance, attractiveness, credibility and fit with the brand, preference between concepts and points of improvement.
  • Results in 9 days

Quantitative Method - Online

Evolutionary® Creative Concept Test
We evaluate up to eight creative concepts before production, identify what works and adjust to deliver the best proposal, optimizing time and resources for future projects.

What are the benefits?

  • Evaluate up to eight creative concepts before investing in the production of a commercial
  • Identify what works and what doesn't
  • Apply learning throughout the test, incorporating good ideas and eliminating those that don't work
  • Get the best proposal to invest in, avoiding wasting time and resources
  • Create a learning curve applicable to upcoming communication projects

Evolutionary Qualitative Method® - Group Discussions

Promotion Test
We evaluate up to 12 promotional offers, ensuring understanding, attractiveness, and alignment with the brand.

What are the benefits?

  • Evaluate supply and mechanics, separated from communication
  • It guarantees the effectiveness of the offer and the promotional mechanism in terms of understanding and attractiveness
  • Ensures that the promotional offer is consistent with the brand's territory
  • Allows you to test up to 12 promotional offer options

Quantitative Method - Online, in-person or telephone interviews

Product Testing
We carry out tests with consumers to assess the acceptance and performance of their products in the real market.

What are the benefits?

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the product in use, without the influence of the brand or the marketing mix
  • Identifies which attributes are strengths and which need to be improved: in the formula, in the fragrance, in the texture, in the durability and in other dimensions specific to each category
  • Identifies the attributes responsible for user satisfaction and purchase intent
  • Identifies intention to replace the current product with the tested one
  • May include price sensitivity
  • May include pre-use and post-use concept testing

Quantitative Method - Market Shaker using Artificial Intelligence

Web site and APP tests
We evaluate navigability, identify improvements and sensitive points to make your site or app more user-friendly and engaging.

What are the benefits?

  • Evaluate the navigability of the website or application
  • Identifies sensitive spots that interfere with the user experience
  • Identifies possible improvements to make the website or app more user-friendly and promote engagement
  • Identifies sessions on the website that are more useful or attractive

Qualitative Method- Group discussions in person or on an online platform

Sniff Test — Fragrance Test
We researched consumers' fragrance preferences to align their creations with the market.

What are the benefits?

  • Identifies which fragrances are potential winners compared to one or more benchmarks, in terms of sensory and signature aspects
  • Evaluate the performance of the fragrances in the product, interacting with their formulas (in shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, styling creams or other cosmetics)
  • Determines strengths and weaknesses of each tested fragrance
  • Evaluate the key indicators of each fragrance: emotional and functional evocations
  • Evaluate the brand's “olfactory” territory: what does this perfume evoke? And what type of woman or man was it made for?
  • Assess the functional territory: what type of product does this perfume evoke? And what type of product?

Quantitative Method - Personal interviews in central location

Packaging Tests
We analyze the effectiveness of your packaging to ensure that it is attractive and functional for consumers.

What are the benefits?

  • Identifies the performance of a package in its competitive environment - on the shelf: “shopper life”
  • Add feedback from outside the box, in the consumer's consumer environment: “consumer life”
  • Evaluate impact and “mass effect”

Quantitative Method - Online or personal approach, which may include qualitative phase and Packager® Stratégir ethnography

Development of Ideas and Concepts
We inspire your R&D team by identifying desirable attributes and competitive differentials for new products or services.

What are the benefits?

  • It allows you to inspire your R&D team regarding latent needs, from the consumer's perspective
  • Identifies what attributes are desirable for a new product or service and what differentials could represent a competitive advantage
  • It allows obtaining a large number of cultural, emotional or rational clues that can anchor a new concept to be developed

Qualitative Method - Discussions in face-to-face groups or online communities, safaris in shopping or consumer environments, ethnographies and netnographies

Segmentation and Personas
We identify the most valuable segments and design relevant personas, providing an easy-to-apply tool for assertive marketing actions.

What are the benefits?

  • Identify consumer segments that are most valuable to your brand and product, and which are not worth investing in to reach.
  • It describes the segments in an objective way, allowing you to identify them and promote marketing actions in an assertive way: design Personas relevant to your business.
  • It provides a screening tool that is easy to apply at different times of contact with customers, making some of the activations that may be performed assertive.

Quantitative Method - Online, in-person, or telephone interviews. Statistical treatments: segmentation (k-means)

Customer Experience
Customer Satisfaction and NPS — Net Promoter Score
We measure your customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score to identify areas for improvement.

What are the benefits?

  • Identifies overall satisfaction with your product or service
  • Indicates which attributes have the greatest impact on overall satisfaction, allowing us to act on what will bring the most results
  • Map the risks of losing customers and what threatens your brand
  • Measure the segment of brand ambassadors and detractors
  • Situate your results in the competitive environment
  • Allows you to simulate goals for action plans

Quantitative Method - Online, in-person, or telephone interviews. Statistical treatments: NPS, Logistic regression with the creation of a simulator (relationship between satisfaction and attributes)

Customer Experience
Immersion in the Customer Journey
We observe the target's behavior without interfering, capturing authentic and multimedia insights about the perception and relevance of brands.

What are the benefits?

  • Observe the behavior of your target during different consumer journeys and occasions, without influencing them with our questions
  • Discover consumers' authentic views and vocabulary, without interfering with our questions and “prejudices”
  • Obtain multimedia materials that express the way in which the target perceives brands and consumes products and services
  • Understand the relevance of the brand to the target's life and the threats of competing brands

Qualitative or Quantitative Method with real-time insights

Customer Experience
Customer Advice
We bring together strategic groups of clients to provide direct and valuable feedback for the development of your business.

What are the benefits?

  • Bringing the voice of the customer into the organization
  • Understand what the customer expects but is not finding
  • Understand why the customer arrived and what will make them abandon your service
  • Discover the tangibles that can make the difference between delighting, keeping, or losing customers
  • Educate top executives in the new times when knowing how to listen is the skill of the time
  • Generate action plans to improve the customer experience

Qualitative Method - Group of Advisors

Image and Reputation Assessment
We analyze the perception of your brand in the market, providing insights to strengthen your reputation.

What are the benefits?

  • Evaluate whether target audiences perceive the product, service, or institutional brand in accordance with the company's objectives.
  • Identify the competitive landscape, which attributes are positive or negative differentials, in which territory the company is located versus the competition
  • Identifies the attributes responsible for the brand image, and possible sources of information and influence
  • Identifies possible segments that differ in brand perception.

Quantitative Method - Statistical treatments: conjoint, perceptual map

Retail Layout Test
We evaluate the layout of products and spaces in stores to improve the shopping experience and increase conversion.

What are the benefits?

  • Select the most effective layout alternative before investing in point of sale materials or facilities
  • Identify how consumers would navigate the designed environment, what are the hot spots and what are the weaknesses of the layout
  • Produce actionable recommendations for the design or redesign of the point of sale

Quantitative Method - Use of visual laboratory & eye tracking

Customer Experience
Employee Equity - Organizational Climate
We evaluate employee satisfaction and the work environment, promoting internal improvements.

What are the benefits?

  • Map employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction elements
  • Measure satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty
  • Identify which elements impact the degree of employee satisfaction
  • Identify points to expand employee loyalty
  • Build a simulator that supports the design of action plans that increase satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty

Qualitative Method - In-depth and/or group interviews
Quantitative Method - Online, personal or telephone interviews

Communication Recall
We measure the impact of your advertising campaigns, evaluating how much they are remembered by the public.

What are we going to measure?

  • Spontaneous reminder of the advertisement
  • Total awareness of advertising, spontaneous and stimulated
  • Effective recall, correctly associating the brand with the message
  • Impact, understanding, and retention of the message
  • How consistent is the message with the brand's positioning and territory?
  • Identify improvement points for future communication actions

Quantitative Method - Online, in-person or telephone interviews

Market Shaker
The Market Shaker® model predicts the sales volume of your Innovation. It considers the multiplicity of individual behaviors, including purchasing contexts and marketing situations.

What is the benefit?

  • By predicting the expected sales volumes for the new product, it is possible to decide whether its launch will bring the desired return

Quantitative Method - model based on Artificial Intelligence techniques

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen IA) transforms around 100 respondents into a “virtual panel” of up to two million consumers, for a more reliable volume estimate.

Market Shaker® accurately captures everything that influences product success

U&A — Habits and Attitudes
We conduct detailed research to understand the behaviors and preferences of your customers, providing valuable insights for your strategies.

What is the benefit?

  • When we understand how our consumers think and act, their habits, beliefs, and attitudes, we can find opportunities to introduce new products to satisfy unmet needs.

Qualitative and Quantitative Method

Customer Experience
Customer Journey Assessment - User Experience
We map the complete experience of your customers to identify opportunities for improvement and optimization.

What is the benefit?

  • When we identify the pain and difficulties that customers experience on their journey to choose and buy our products or services, we can increase their satisfaction and build their loyalty.

Qualitative Method

Communication Pre-Test
We test your communication campaigns before launch to optimize effectiveness and impact.

What are the benefits?

  • Make sure that the language, images, and creative elements convey what the brand wants in each communication.
  • Allow details to be corrected to ensure that investment in production and media is well spent

Quantitative Method

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